Bruno Frei Ventures
Project Portfolio 2018 (1) (English)
Project 1
„Grow Up“ Grocery Store
Cherry Nwe, „Agape Orphanage Center“, Yangon
Set up of a new grocery store for workers and students in the neighborhood, because supermarkets are far away.
Groceries sold: Rice, Food, Vegetables, Books, Pens, Cold Drinks, Eggs, Mosquito Coin, Dry Tea, Coffee All Brand, Oil, Noodles, Candy, Sugar, Drinking Water, Snack, Shampoo, Soaps, etc.
Loan CHF/USD 6‘000 (funding completed)
Project 2
Brick Production and Sales
„Mother‘s Love“ Orphanage of Sayama Debora and Noah, Yangon
The Business will be based on making & selling bricks for construction and building in our region, where many constructions of building are in progress. The loan is for new designs of brick cups and plates and initial operating cost.
Loan CHF/USD 3‘000 (payback complete)
Project 3
Relocation of Grocery shop of Ma Tin Tin Win
Puangtei, Ann Township, Rakhine State
Ma Tin Tin Win and her husband are currently selling groceries for people who are traveling through Puangtei and stop along the street and for local people buying things for their daily use. Their rented place also includes a tea shop.
Because the owner needs the current building they have to buy land and build a new store next to the current location.
Loan CHF/USD 1’500 (funding completed)
Project 4
Raising Catfish
Saya Tha Zung Bik, "Zion" Children Home
Thaung Kyat, Yangon
Raising and selling catfish in Hlegu Township is a good business and very fast to develop. Therefore, they are looking and planning to start the business on their own land.
Loan CHF/USD 3‘500
Project 5
Tools to build water wells for Khin Soe Maung
Nyaung Oo, Mandalay Region
Khin Soe Maung has skills to build water wells and will need a loan to buy tools.
Loan CHF/USD 500 (funding completed)
Project 6
Women and men group in Hinywent and Padekyaw
Ann Township, Rakhine State
A group of nine women and two menassociated in a community will produce and sell vegetables, chicken and clothes to finance the education of their children.
Loan CHF/USD 3'700
Project 7
Expansion of Grocery shop of Aye Sein
Puangtei, Ann Township, Rakhine State
Loan CHF/USD 500
Project 8
Relocation of Motorcycle repair shop of Zo Maung
Ann, Rakhine State
Zo Maung currently repairs motorcycles in a rented building. Half of his profit is needed each month for renting the house. He plans to buy land and build a new shop along the street between the old and the new part of Ann.
Loan CHF/USD 5‘000 (payback complete)
Donations to Microfinance Thukha Myanmar:
UBS Switzerland AG, CH-8098 Zürich, PC 80-2-2, IBAN CH22 0023 5235 5718 5548 Y, BIC UBSWCHZH80A
c/o Verein "Vision Ost", Krummackerstrasse 5, CH4416, Bubendorf, Switzerland
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